6 Great Reasons to Pre-Pay Your MOPS Dues

To make MOPS mornings easy for everyone, we have three options for paying meeting dues. You can:

  • pay $7 at each meeting,
  • pre-pay $50* for the semester (Sept 11 – Jan 15), or
  • pre-pay $100 for the whole year (Sept 11 – May 28).

*If you already paid for or missed the first meeting, see our Finance Coordinator Sara E. for the prorated amount.

Sara E. will be collecting pre-payments through Sept 25. After that date, the $7 per meeting rate applies. Make checks payable to “MOPS.” We hope you will select one of the pre-pay options. Here are six great reasons to do just that:

1. The Discount & Raffle

Regular meeting dues are $7 per meeting. But, pay in advance for the first semester ($50) and you’ll save $6. Or, pre-pay for the entire year ($100) and save $12. Everyone who pre-pays will be entered in a special raffle to win a pair of play passes to Green Bean Contemporary Child’s Play! But wait, there’s more….

2. It’s One Less Thing to Remember on MOPS Day

Picture it: It’s a beautiful Wednesday morning. You got the kids up and ready to go, packed their snacks for MOPPETS,  and even remembered to grab a few things for our freecycle table. You get to MOPS and everything is great. But wait – you forgot your purse and don’t have a dime on you! No problem – you paid your dues in advance. You’re good.

3. You’ll Feel Like a Rock Star by 9:30 AM

No more check-in for you, lady. Glide right past that line at the door, VIP style. Just glance over for a knowing nod from the Finance Coordinator. She’s got you, mom.

4. First Dibs at Brunch

Skip that check-in and you’re free to hit the brunch table. What will it be – hot coffee, mini quiches, fresh fruit, chocolate cake? Oh, have the cake. That’s why we call it brunch, not breakfast.

5. Less Business, More Fun

Saving time at check-in means everyone gets settled faster. What will we do with all that extra time? Relax and enjoy a morning of fellowship, friends, and fun, that’s what! Let’s get it started!

6. You’ll be Helping our MOPS Group

When you pay in advance, that money goes straight to MOPS. You’ll be helping us keep funds on hand throughout the semester to support our operations and services. That would be a fabulous way to show your support for MOPS.


Our meeting dues are our group’s main source of income and cover most of our operating costs, including MOPPETS childcare. Sponsorships are discreetly provided for moms who can’t afford the meeting dues. If you need assistance, please speak to Mentor Mom Melene S.

Thanks. In advance.

Save Time and Money – Prepay Your MOPS Dues by Sept. 25

Want to save time, money, and hassle and help our MOPS group at the same time? Pre-pay your meeting dues for the new semester of MOPS.

Instead of paying dues at each meeting, just pay in advance and you’ll get a discounted price of $50 for the whole semester (Sept 11 – Jan 15). That’s a savings of $6.

Plus, you won’t have to remember to bring a payment to each meeting. One less thing to remember! You’ll also help keep the check-in line short, which gets everyone settled faster and our meetings started on time. On top of all that, you’ll help our group keep much-needed funds on hand throughout the semester.

Our Finance Coordinator, Sara E., will be collecting pre-payments now through September 25. Make checks payable to “MOPS.”

Our meeting dues are our group’s main source of income and cover most of our operating costs, including MOPPETS child care. Sponsorships are discreetly provided for moms who can’t afford the meeting dues. If you need assistance, please speak to Mentor Mom Melene S.


Register Now for our New Year of MOPS

Registration for our new year of MOPS is open now.

What it Costs

The annual registration fee for MOPS International is $23.95. Make your check payable to “MOPS.”

We never want the cost to stop a mom from attending MOPS. Scholarships are available for moms in need. If you cannot afford to register, please speak privately to a Mentor Mom (Melene, Donna, or Dot) or our Finance Coordinator Sara E.

Why Register

Registration fees are vital to MOPS International’s mission to ensure that no mom is alone. When you pay your registration fee, MOPS International uses that money to support groups all over the world, especially moms in low-income areas and teenage mothers in Teen MOPS groups.

The registration fee is different from the dues you pay when you attend a MOPS meeting. Our dues are paid at our regular meetings to cover a portion of our expenses, like childcare.

Who Should Register

We are required to register our members in order to maintain our charter with MOPS International. All moms who attend our group should be registered, even if they receive a scholarship. This includes all Steering Committee members, Mentor Moms, and MOMSnext members, too.

What’s In the Welcome Package

After you register, you’ll receive a welcome package in the mail from MOPS International. This year’s package includes a cute MOPS tote bag, a sing-along DVD featuring the cuddly character BOZ, and coupons.

You’ll also receive your first issue of MomSense magazine. Flip through and find some encouragement in the pages. Plus, you’ll receive an inspirational e-mail each week from MOPS International.

MOPS Welcome Packe t2013-2014